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What is Sound Healing?

Used by aboriginal peoples in Australia and Tibetan monks for centuries, sound healing uses the vibrations generated from certain instruments – in my case, tuning forks – to induce a state of unparalleled relaxation.

Our bodies are fantastic conductors of sound and vibration. This means that when I apply my tuning forks, the vibrations resonate through your body’s energy field, helping to establish new patterns of balance. This creates a domino effect as the vibrational shift begins at a cellular level, encouraging the body to return to its natural harmony.


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What are the Benefits of Sound Healing?

There are many benefits to sound healing, most commonly noted are a sense of calm and long-lasting positivity. It can be seen as a heightened formed of mindfulness where you can just sit back, drift off, and let the sound do the healing.

Sound healing can be used to treat many ailments, including:

  • Insomnia

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Muscular pain

  • Tinnitus

  • Fatigue